A Terrible Host is a Terrible Time

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I just finished a client’s website on a really awful host, and it made me kind of mad. Here’s why.


I just finished launching a website on a really just awful host and it made me kind of mad because if I had trouble, if it took me three times as long, then it’s going to take somebody who doesn’t know what they’re doing even longer and it just makes me so aggravated for people.

So I really just encourage you… I put together a quiz to help you pick the right host for you. Any developer that you talk to is going to have their ideal hosts and people that are their go to. But I’ve been doing this for so long and I’ve tried out just dozens of, just so many hosts, and I’ve got a list of ones that I think are top notch that have a range of budgets.

Whether you’re just starting out and want something small or that you want something that has a little bit more robust features or anything, I’ve got a range of prices, capabilities, and ones that I trust.

So do yourself a favor and take the quiz. See which one works for you. Whether you’re on a host now and you want to make sure that it’s the right one for you, maybe you’re having trouble, maybe you’re not sure, or you’re getting ready to launch site and you need some ideas about where to host. It’s overnightwebsite.com/host-quiz.

Go there, take the quiz, make sure that you are setting yourself up for success. This is what brings your website out to the world. And if there’s a problem with the host, there’s a problem with your website, everything goes down.

So get started right. Do it right. Don’t go through what I went through. These hosts are outrageous.

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