
Read, watch, or listen to website topics on the entire website process to help you understand concepts, create strategies, and build great websites.

  • What is a Website Audit and Why is it so Important

    If building websites isn’t your strong suit, maintaining your own website can be a risky endeavor. If you want to avoid a rousing game of website whack-a-mole, you need a website audit. Continue reading →

  • How to Transition Your Website After a Rebrand

    Ok, you’ve rebranded. You’ve done the research, gone through the process of getting super clear on who you’re talking to, of refining your message, of putting it into a nice visual package. Now what? Continue reading →

  • 5 Website Redesign Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices

    Let’s take the website as a whole, and instead of creating a never-ending list of every mistake I’ve ever seen websites make, we’ll start with the 5 most common things I see that you can fix quickly and easily. Continue reading →

  • Stop procrastinating and build your website NOW

    There are a few basic steps to every website that if you follow them, the only thing that will stand in your way is yourself. Continue reading →

  • How To Know When It’s Time To Redo Your Website

    A website overhaul sometimes means starting from scratch — a complete do-over. Sometimes it’s updating page layouts and giving a design refresh. Either way, it’s annoying. Unless you have some guidelines. Continue reading →

  • WordPress Security Rundown: Take the extra steps to secure your website

    Security is such a deep and important issue that runs through all aspects of your website. Continue reading →

  • 5 Ways to Keep Your Website Mobile Friendly

    Mobile-friendly websites are one of the most important things you can do for your website. Visitors look at your website on their phone, and search engines give preference to websites that work well and look good on mobile devices. Continue reading →

  • Why You Should Use WordPress For Your Website

    This isn’t another pro/con list for website platforms. There are pluses and minuses to every platform. But WordPress is the one platform that will ensure you are using the tools with the most flexibility and the best value. Continue reading →