Top 4 Reasons You Need a Great Website to Level Up Your Business

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There are many things to consider when your business is growing – refining products/services, making sure your marketing is on point and sales process is dialed in, going over your brand bible with a fine tooth comb to make sure everything is aligned and representing your business properly. It all comes down to reputation and trust, and when your website is lacking, so is the faith people have in your business. You absolutely cannot overlook your website, and here are 4 reasons why.

Reason 1: It’s the face of your business.

Aside from you (the founder), your website is the face of your business, and it better look good. Because a site that looks good (and works great) means you care about the people who come to it. You want to leave people feeling confident in you, instill trust in them by investing in their experience. In order to build a solid reputation, in order to get people to trust you, there has to be something that projects that.

You expect people to come to you because you’re the best at what you do. When you’re leveling up your business, you need to continue to focus on that. It’s so easy to make a website these days. But to make a great website, you need to expand your scope. You can’t just settle on having a website. You need to take the website to the next level to stay in line with your business direction.

Reason 2: So many ways to visit your site.

Not only will the majority of people visiting your website be on mobile devices, but you’ll need to make sure you’ve looked at every page at every size. It doesn’t just need to be mobile-friendly, it needs to be optimized for mobile. If you don’t take extra consideration for mobile devices, you’re losing business and trust.

If you don’t take the time to test your site and ensure everything you can do on one device you can do on another, you’re leaving behind most of the people who come to your site. You can’t just rely on your tool’s automatic mobile adjustments or mobile views. Time and effort needs to be invested in the process.

Reason 3: Everyone who visits needs to be able to use it.

People need to be capable of using your site. They need to know exactly what to do without thinking about it. When a site is easier to use, it is easier to take action. If your website loads slowly or some things don’t load at all, it’s not going to instill any confidence in potential clients that you know what you’re doing.

Your site not only needs to look good, but it needs to function for anyone who comes to it. If you don’t make your website accessible, an entire population of people are unable to use your site. Part of building your new site is building it so it’s sturdy, secure, and accessible.

And by accessible, I mean you take the time to ensure your website is optimized for folks with disabilities. There are a host of ways to do this these days, so don’t cheap out or take a shortcut and leave people behind (not to mention money on the table).

Reason 4: Consistency and alignment are key.

When you want to reach a new level of business, you have to be sure everything about your business is aligned with this new level you’re reaching. That means if you’re charging more, everything you put out there better reflect this new level.

It’s more than just updating copy or reviewing your pricing. It’s the level of competence reflected with your site, the level of care you have for your business, and by extension your clients. If you’re not willing to do what you need to get a great site, the thing that is a representation of your business, what kind of dedication will they get from you?

In Closing:

Your website is often the first place people are going to look once they know you exist. What is yours saying about you?

Is it speaking brilliantly about who/what your business used to be? Or does it reflect the next level of success you’re reaching for?

If your website is stuck in the past, your business will get stuck there too.

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