Read, watch, or listen to website topics on the entire website process to help you understand concepts, create strategies, and build great websites.
Why You Should Use WordPress For Your Website
This isn’t another pro/con list for website platforms. There are pluses and minuses to every platform. But WordPress is the one platform that will ensure you are using the tools with the most flexibility and the best value.
Choosing a Good Web Host
Your host is what makes your website visible to the world. It’s where your website lives and what makes it work. A poor web host means poor performance and slow load times.
A Case Against Website Sliders
Slideshows, also known as sliders or carousels, are a way for a website to presenting a variety of important information. Unfortunately, a slideshow is actually doing the exact opposite.
Web Terms: What You Should Know
It’s important to understand the basic parts of your website. By knowing how to use some of the common web terms, you will be able to communicate your wants and needs for your website a little easier.