Category: Branding

  • The Absolute First Thing You Need To Do Before Creating Your Website

    You shouldn’t let worries about a website not being “done” get in the way of launching it. But the absolute first thing you need to do before creating your website is a plan.

  • Establish Trust

    When you’ve put in the effort to have the perfect branding, and social media posts, convey your vibe… It’s super disappointing when you have a boring website.

  • Picking a Domain Name

    Picking a domain name might seem really stressful, but it doesn’t have to be that intense. Watch to learn how to choose the best domain name for your business.

  • How to Transition Your Website After a Rebrand

    Ok, you’ve rebranded. You’ve done the research, gone through the process of getting super clear on who you’re talking to, of refining your message, of putting it into a nice visual package. Now what?

  • 5 Website Redesign Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices

    Let’s take the website as a whole, and instead of creating a never-ending list of every mistake I’ve ever seen websites make, we’ll start with the 5 most common things I see that you can fix quickly and easily.

  • How To Know When It’s Time To Redo Your Website

    A website overhaul sometimes means starting from scratch — a complete do-over. Sometimes it’s updating page layouts and giving a design refresh. Either way, it’s annoying. Unless you have some guidelines.