Category: General

  • Annual Website Tasks: Preparing your website for the new year

    There are plenty of things you should do to keep your website running smoothly. Quarterly tasks, monthly tasks, there are even weekly. But what about yearly? Continue reading →

  • The Absolute First Thing You Need To Do Before Creating Your Website

    You shouldn’t let worries about a website not being “done” get in the way of launching it. But the absolute first thing you need to do before creating your website is a plan. Continue reading →

  • Evaluating the Time Cost

    Everything we do in business has a time cost. What if you could take everything you’ve already been doing, and make it into a badass website? Continue reading →

  • Single CTA Exceptions

    If you’re doing this on your website, it might be the reason you’re losing business. Continue reading →

  • Picking a Domain Name

    Picking a domain name might seem really stressful, but it doesn’t have to be that intense. Watch to learn how to choose the best domain name for your business. Continue reading →

  • Check on All Devices

    When was the last time you checked out your website on your phone? Tablet? Your friend’s phone? Anywhere else your website might be seen? Continue reading →

  • Top 4 Reasons You Need a Great Website to Level Up Your Business

    It all comes down to reputation and trust, and when your website is lacking, so is the faith people have in your business. You absolutely cannot overlook your website, and here are 4 reasons why. Continue reading →

  • What is a Website Audit and Why is it so Important

    If building websites isn’t your strong suit, maintaining your own website can be a risky endeavor. If you want to avoid a rousing game of website whack-a-mole, you need a website audit. Continue reading →