Single CTA Exceptions

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If you’re doing this on your website, it might be the reason you’re losing business.


I will often give the advice, “What is the one thing you want somebody to do when they come to your website?” And that’s how you come up with your main call to action. Is that always the case? Of course not. That’s just a really easy way to come up with some primary homepage content and it’s a really easy way to get people to follow a pathway on your site.

But there are always going to be instances where you’re going to need more than one call to action or you’re going to need more than one focus. And in those cases, the primary pages on the site are typically going to be more like the service pages where you might send somebody directly to some other page on your site and those are going to be more of your main focus rather than the home page. So what are some instances where that’s the case?

Well, if you’ve got a database, for instance, a directory where there’s a lot of stuff and data that somebody’s looking at and filtering through, well, a lot of times those have view the database and submit to the database. Those are going to be two really distinct pathways that somebody looking at the site is going to know exactly which one they want. But it does make it a little bit harder to come up with the content above those buttons. Right? So if you’re going to go the route of more than one call to action, you’re going to have to be very specific about how you handle that.

There are always ways to handle that where you have a prominent submit area that’s right above your footer on every page, where it’s like this sort of call to action section that people will see multiple times and then they know that they can submit to the database. If you’re trying to get more submissions, then maybe you feature that up top and then you sort of fill in the “browse the database” in different areas. So that’s one really common situation. If you have a business that has multiple distinct service lines, you could potentially have multiple calls to action somewhere up near the top.

But I really strongly urge to pick one. You can always filter through them, you can switch them out for the season or whatever you need to do, but it really is very specific situations when you need more than one. Otherwise, keep it simple, keep it easy, put them in different sections if you need to. But in order to have really effective content and a good way to get people to do what you need to, what they need to on your site, you got to stay focused. So while there are exceptions to the rule, I still do stand by, choose something that you want them to do and focus on that.

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